1/20 What is your favorite gaming snack?
2/20 You are playing Nerf guns with your bros and you are cornered. The only way to win is to shoot your friend in the eye. Would you do it?
3/20 Do you watch hentai?
4/20 Do you know the Dewey Decimal System?
5/20 If so, answer this: If you wanted to get a cool book about dinosaurs, where would you find it?
6/20 Do you like Oreos?
7/20 Do you do drugs?
8/20 Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?
9/20 Do you bully?
10/20 What is your favorite soda [out of these options]?
11/20 If your mom makes your cheeseburger too dry, would you whine?
12/20 Are you sexually attracted to Minions?
13/20 Do you hit people really fast with your go-kart at Amazing Jakes?
14/20 What is your favorite yogurt?
15/20 Do you harass women?
16/20 Do you read the Bible?
17/20 Do you abide by the rules of your school dress code?
18/20 Do you like Fortnite?
19/20 Skittles or M&Ms?
20/20 Are you a cool dude that likes scootering?
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