1/15 What underwear do you wear?
2/15 If you wear tighty whities, do you only wear tighty whities?
3/15 How often do you get wedgies?
4/15 Who gives you wedgies the most?
5/15 How often do you give wedgies?
6/15 How do wedgies feel to you?
7/15 Do you give wedgies to yourself
8/15 What's the longest you've been in a hanging wedgie for?
9/15 What's the highest you've gotten a hanging wedgie?
10/15 When you get a hanging wedgie, do you get stripped down to your underwear?
11/15 When you get a hanging wedgie, do your limbs get tied up?
12/15 What's the most embarrassing place you've been hung from before?
13/15 Where have you been hung from the most
14/15 What do people consider you as in school?
15/15 Do you like class
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