1/15 What colour fur does your OC have?
2/15 What colour eyes does your OC have?
3/15 Is your character a...
4/15 What rank is your OC currently?
5/15 What rank does your OC get up to before joining starclan/ the dark forest?
6/15 Is your character good or evil?
7/15 What clan is your OC from?
8/15 How old is your cat?
9/15 Has your cat been in a prophecy?
10/15 Does your character have any powers.
11/15 What category does your character's prefix fall under?
12/15 Same as the last question, but suffix this time. (What category does your OC's suffix fall under.
13/15 What most applies to your character and their backstory?
14/15 What most applies to your OC?
15/15 FINAL QUESTION. Did you like this quiz and will you comment your OC down below? (you won't get scored for this one so don't worry).
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