1/18 How much do you know about Watership Down?
2/18 Would you consider yourself intelligent?
3/18 Are you good at storytelling?
4/18 Are you a good leader?
5/18 Do you have any kind of strange feelings at all?
6/18 Would you consider yourself strong?
7/18 What's your favorite pastime or hobby?
8/18 Are you a very social person?
9/18 What elil is scarier?
10/18 How do you consider smaller animals? (eg. Yona, mice)
11/18 Are you willing to take risks if they are just for sport?
12/18 Are you willing to take risks if they are unnecessary, yet beneficial?
13/18 Are you willing to take risks if they are completely necessary?
14/18 Are you willing to alter your ways in order to have a better life, even if it may not be natural or you could be laughed at?
15/18 Are you obedient to orders if you trust the leader?
16/18 Are you obedient to orders if you don't know anything about the leader?
17/18 Are you obedient to orders if you do not trust the leader?
18/18 What is your favorite quote?
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