1/22 What career does Mitch Grassi have?
2/22 What band is Mitch Grassi in?
3/22 How tall is Mitch?
4/22 What are the names of Mitch's parents?
5/22 Does Mitch have any siblings? If so, what's their name(s)?
6/22 What voice type is Mitch?
7/22 Mitch has been in the music industry since...
8/22 What race is Mitch?
9/22 What is Mitch's ethnicity?
10/22 What is Mitch's full name?
11/22 How many tattoos does Mitch have?
12/22 Who is Mitch's best friend?
13/22 What was Mitch's pet from 2013-2017
14/22 Where was Mitch born
15/22 Why is Mitch's nose crooked
16/22 What is the name of his highly anticipated solo album
17/22 When is Mitch's birthday
18/22 What era is his hair in as of January 2019
19/22 What was Mitch's biggest accomplishment
20/22 Who is he dating
21/22 What is Mitch's favorite food
22/22 Where does he live currently
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