1/9 Quizzesmusthavebetween10and60questions.Gotit!How much do you know about the QB position?
2/9 How would you rate your short-throw accuracy from 1 to 10 (5 yd. to less)?
3/9 How would you rate your medium-throw accuracy from 1 to 10 (~10 yd.)?
4/9 How would you rate your arm strength from 1 to 5(according to your deep-throw accuracy)?
5/9 After the hike, how do you deal with the linemen (pressure)?
6/9 How would you rate your speed?
7/9 How would you classify yourself in height?
8/9 How would you classify yourself in weight?
9/9 How would you rate your throw on-the-run accuracy from 1-5 (throwing while on the move)?
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