1/16 What is your age?
2/16 What is your gender?
3/16 What year did the skorys start YouTube?
4/16 How many siblings are there?
5/16 How many girls is there?
6/16 What is the oldest siblings name?
7/16 What is the oldest female siblings name?
8/16 What color of hair do all the siblings share?
9/16 What is the youngest siblings name?
10/16 What is Coles age?
11/16 Who is the only sibling with no hair?
12/16 When was Cole born?
13/16 When Cole pranked Eden with the solo cups, which color were they?
14/16 Which food personalitys do they all have?
15/16 How many subscribers do they have in July 2017?
16/16 Are the skorys awsome? Hint: click yessss!
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