1/15 You go shopping when…
2/15 How do you pay for your purchases?
3/15 What drives you to buy new clothes?
4/15 You buy clothes…
5/15 Did you ever shopgrift (also known as "wardrobing")?
6/15 Can you leave a store without purchasing at least one thing?
7/15 There’s a huge sale (-50 off) on a designer brand. What’s your reaction?
8/15 You really liked this new jacket but can’t afford it at the moment. What do you do?
9/15 Did you ever bought things that you have never used?
10/15 Do you ever lie to your friends and family about how much money you spend on clothes?
11/15 Do you have hidden purchases from friends or family?
12/15 Have you broken relationships and lost the respect and trust of people in your life because of your shopping behavior?
13/15 Do you set a limit as to how much money you want to spend shopping?
14/15 If you see something you really like, do you ask yourself if you really need it?
15/15 You come across one of your favorite clothing shops. What’s your reaction?
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