1/20 Do you ever feel like you're the odd one out in a group of people?
2/20 Are you socially awkward?
3/20 Do you feel the need to impress others in public?
4/20 What's your style?
5/20 How do you keep yourself occupied riding in the car or on the bus?
6/20 What is the age range of your closest friend(s)?
7/20 Who do you act most "yourself" around?
8/20 What type of music do you enjoy the most?
9/20 Have you ever thought that one of your family's inside jokes or traditions was something that everyone knew about?
10/20 Which of these do you consider the most relaxing?
11/20 Do you regularly use any obsolete technology?
12/20 Can you instantly recognize whether a complete stranger is homeschooled or not?
13/20 Are you close with your family?
14/20 What movie rating do you prefer?
15/20 What's your reaction when people come over to your house?
16/20 Are you musically gifted?
17/20 Have you ever mispronounced a word because you've only ever read it before?
18/20 How often do you call adults by their last names?
19/20 When someone asks you a question, and an older family member is there in the room with you, do you feel awkward answering?
20/20 And finally...what is your opinion on Blimey Cow?
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