1/12 Your parents believe(d) kids should be seen and not heard.
2/12 Your parents put a lot of effort into creating and maintaining a positive relationship with you.
3/12 Your parents set rules but rarely enforce them.
4/12 Your parents don't/didn't ask you about school or homework.
5/12 Your parents explain the reasons behind their rules.
6/12 Your parents don't/didn't give out consequences very often.
7/12 Your parents rarely know/knew where you are/were or who you are/were with.
8/12 When it comes to rules, your parents believe(d) it's "my way or the highway."
9/12 Your parents think/thought you will/would learn best with little interference from them.
10/12 Your parents don't/didn't spend much time with you.
11/12 Your parents don't/didn't take your feelings into consideration.
12/12 Your parents enforce(d) rules and give/gave consequences, but take/took your feelings into consideration.
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