1/15 Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiïiiiiii!
2/15 Which of these best describe you?
3/15 What is your favourite colour?
4/15 Are you shy?
5/15 How smart are you?
6/15 What is your favourite type of food?
7/15 What do you do in your free time?
8/15 What is your star sign?
9/15 Ok we’re going to do some sinarios now
10/15 Your are in a crowded room. Loud music is playing. What do you do?
11/15 You walking down the corridor at school and you see a new kid getting bullied. What do you do?
12/15 You are in a shop that sells everything you could ever wish for but you can only buy one thing. What do you buy?
13/15 You are faced with a riddle. If you answer correctly, you can claim a superpower of you choice. If you get it wrong, your best trait will be taken. What do you do?
14/15 This is the riddle. The poor have it, The rich don't need it, And if you eat it, you'll die? What is it?
15/15 Ok! Done! Bye!
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