1/20 if you were on a road trip, what would you be doing?
2/20 tea or coffee?
3/20 what sounds like an ideal outfit for you?
4/20 which would describe you best?
5/20 do you care what others think about you?
6/20 lets say someone new joins you class, how do you approach them?
7/20 night or day?
8/20 what scent sounds nice to you?
9/20 favorite color?
10/20 what meal would you pick if you had a choice?
11/20 what your worst downfall?
12/20 is your space typically clean?
13/20 where are you at a party, if you happened to be in one?
14/20 oh no! someone is being picked on! what do you do?
15/20 do you have a temper sometimes?
16/20 what a positive thing about yourself?
17/20 what do you do on your phone most of the time?
18/20 how do you handle your grades?
19/20 youre in a big store, where do you head first?
20/20 what sounds like an ideal day for you?
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